Server sent events with Python FastAPI

Sairam Krish
3 min readAug 5, 2020

In asynchronous server side flows, we like to keep the client informed about the progress or change in state. Many a times, we may choose to go with polling mechanisms. But it has it’s own disadvantages.

Let’s discuss an alternative approach — Server-sent events and how we can implement this with FastAPI backend

Server sent events

As an example, let’s take a look into fastapi based backend endpoint. Here we have a status endpoint which sends server events.

FastAPI is based on starlette. To help us in this flow, we will depend on a small library called sse_starlette

pip install sse-starlette

Below example shows a streaming endpoint status/stream

  • We return an EventSourceResponse which takes in a generator.
  • A sample generator logic for server sent event explained below.

Event generator

Client side

An example client side logic which consume a server sent event endpoint and act based on events:

  • Now we can handle how client should respond to different server events easily
  • end condition is very important. Without this, client will reconnecting to server, even if server has successfully completed previous request.
Debugging server sent events directly in Chrome
Different attributes of a MessageEvent
  • In Chrome, we can do various experiments on server sent events. Analyzing the behaviour of an EventStream in browser is a good way to start.
  • We can also observe, how server side tries to keep the connection alive with ping request and what type of events are emitted from server.
  • We can also ensure connection is getting closed as expected when the criteria is satisfied.
  • Also observe if server restarts or server ends the connection, browser will try to re-establish the connection. Till we close the connection on client side, it’s going to be alive.

HTTP Connection Behaviour

  • Browser tries to keep this connection alive. Even if server side closes the connection, browser will try to reconnect, unless event source is closed.
  • This is useful to keep the connection alive even in case of intermittent network issue or server went down etc.,
  • If browser is closed, server can sense this and stop sending any more events. This optimizes server side resources


There is a limit on maximum number of live connections that can be maintained for a browser — domain combination. So using server sent events efficiently and closing the connection properly plays a key role while working on this flow. Please check the browser compatibility required for the application and whether it supports SSE. Many client-server flows that uses frequent polling can be updated with server sent events, if the problem in hand matches what SSE can provide.

