How to use postman for Netsuite SOAP API

Sairam Krish
2 min readOct 23, 2024


It a bit complex to setup & get everything right to setup Netsuite SOAP API with Postman. This postman based flow would be helpful to debug if you are building SOAP based data integration with Netsuite.


Netsuite login credentials :


Postman environment

Create a Postman environment. This would help to hold variables. Add the above information as variables :

Postman environment variables

Create a POST request

Create a POST request. No difference so far between normal REST postman request & SOAP request till now. Upcoming steps will make it a SOAP request.

Add following javascript as Pre-request scripts :

let account = pm.environment.get("ACCOUNT");
let consumerKey = pm.environment.get("CONSUMER_KEY");
let consumerSecret = pm.environment.get("CONSUMER_SECRET");
let tokenId = pm.environment.get("TOKEN_ID");
let tokenSecret = pm.environment.get("TOKEN_SECRET");

var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let timestamp = new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10);
let nonce = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(10).toString();
let baseString = `${account}&${consumerKey}&${tokenId}&${nonce}&${timestamp}`;
let key = `${consumerSecret}&${tokenSecret}`;
let signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(baseString, key).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);

pm.environment.set("signature", signature);
pm.environment.set("nonce", nonce);
pm.environment.set("timestamp", timestamp);
  • The above script does HmacSHA256 encryption.
  • Credits for the above script goes to michoel chaikin’s gist. Fixed couple of issues in that script and added SHA256 encryption.

POST request URL should be of the following format :


POST request Headers

  • In the above screenshot, we are using the SOAP request for invoking search. Based on SOAP action, we need to update the values here.

POST request body

<soap:Envelope xmlns:platformFaults=""

<signature algorithm="HMAC-SHA256">{{signature}}</signature>
<platformMsgs:searchRecord xsi:type="tranSales:TransactionSearchAdvanced" savedSearchId="12">
<platformCommon:tranId operator="contains">

  • pageSize in the above sample, acts as a limit for the search results
  • tokenPassport will be updated based on the pre-request output. Other parts of the soap request is based on our needs.
  • We need to change the Body type to raw and content type to XML

We should now be able to get SOAP response.

Thoughts about SOAP UI

For this usecase, I tried to use SOAP UI. However, for me, I felt the usability is not great in SOAP UI. I couldn’t neither get it working nor get useful community information to resolve issues.



Sairam Krish
Sairam Krish

Written by Sairam Krish

Software Architect ★ Data Architect

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